We no longer provide local coupons
As per December 31, 2009 we no longer provide local coupons on FergusEloraCoupons.com. We want to thank our email subscribers and website visitors for their visits, and hope they will still enjoy the discounts that we communicate on our blog.
Contact information
We are not the town of
We are not the Wellington
Advertiser, nor the Fergus Elora News Express.
We are not the Grand River Raceway, or the Conservation
We are
a web design and optimization firm,
who created this website as a way for local/regional businesses to
advertise their business to anyone looking for Fergus/Elora-related
information on the web.
Contact us about:
- Advertising on this site
- Web design
- Website optimization
Address: | 525 St. Andrew St. E. |
Town: | Fergus, Ontario N1M 1R7 |
T: | +1 519-787-7612 [We are a web design firm!] |
E: | info@u-cwebs.com |
You can visit U-C WEBS at www.u-cwebs.com (or www.ucwebs.com)[link opens in a new window].